Taking A Pause

Be patient with yourself, shouting at a flower won’t make it bloom. - Charlie Mackesy

Happy Monday {First Name}!

I started writing this letter in 1999 because I wanted to remember to look for the good in the world every Monday morning. Little did I know that the words I have written here would become such a friend to me, much like those of you who have been reading along with me for all these years.

Some of you I know well and others not as much. But I can feel your reading and knowing from my open rates that my words have mattered. Nothing brings me greater joy than hearing from readers to say how a specific letter touched them in a particular way. Those comments have been the fire that has fueled me.

In June this letter turns 25 years old. An amazement all in itself. The words written every Monday morning opened up my writer’s life in ways I had never imagined possible. Two books came out of these writings including...

The Victory Letters – Inspiration for the Human Race


Victory One Moment at Time – Unlocking the Power of the Master Mind.

I have shared some great times during the writing of these letters, including watching my children grow up to be amazing adults. Family and friends have been shared in these letters, including the sadness that surrounded the loss of my beautiful mother nearly 15 years ago now.

While this might sound like a eulogy or ending, I want to be clear that the Victory Letter is not going away just taking a pause as I shared in today’s subject line. During the month of May I am headed out for some adventures starting this week with a girls trip to enjoy a beautiful wedding of a dear friends daughter in San Francisco.

I have come to think of my journey over the month of May as a sabbatical to open my eyes a little wider and allowing for new creativity as well as the fun that comes with it to flow.

As I thought about the idea of traveling with no computer in tow the idea started to truly delight me. And then when I thought more about not having any schedules or deadlines to meet except for planes, trains, and our bicycle adventures in France, I told myself it was time to start letting go of some things in my life. Having an open calendar will help in this process.

And it’s in the letting go that I will decide what I will bring back into my life. Knowing what a passion writing is to me I am pretty sure this letter will be returning in June.

Recently I heard the explanation of letting go in the terms of holding a hand of poker cards. At some point you have to let some of the cards go if you are going to have a healthy and winning hand. That’s exactly what I will be doing.

I would love to know from you what is important to you in reading the Victory Letter moving forward as I evaluate where it goes from here.

There is a big part of my heart wrapped up in the Victory Letters and as I write this tears are coming. The kind of tears when you feel something deep in your heart. I feel so very, very grateful to have been given this gift to share my words with you. Yet I also feel like it’s the last day of school and the month of May is my summer vacation.

As today’s quote shares, I now need to quiet my mind in order to fully see how I can bloom in these the “golden years” ahead of me in my life. Ironically or not the flower in todays picture bloomed this morning after waiting for it to bloom since I planted this geranium from seed back in late January.

I have made a variety of videos in advance that will be released in my absence over on my Victory Garden Club You Tube Channel. True enough they are garden related and hopefully they will resonate with those of you who have a passion for the earth. Be sure to subscribe on You Tube and you can tune in there.

You can also keep in touch on my Instagram @victorygirl though it will be light during May as well, as I truly try (try being the key word) to unplug.

It is hard to put down something you love even if it is just for a bit so that creative juices can be restored. Sometimes we just got to do what we have got to do. 🤓

Until we connect again, as always, here is to your Successes and Victories!


Cheri Ruskus

Creator and Growth Mentor


Remove the Splinter